Red Moon Recovery's Mission.

We advocate not to suppress female biology, but instead, embrace it and use the stages of the cycle to your advantage.

Why We Created Menstrual Cycle Mapping℠ >

Red Moon Recovery℠  Team.

The People Behind Red Moon Recovery℠ and the Menstrual Cycle Mapping℠ technology.

Samara Gregorio

chief executive officer

With 27 years of experience as a physiotherapist for professional track and field athletes and international athletics federations, Samara's insights into the physical, mental, and emotional nuances of an athlete’s mindset are unique. Samara is a physiotherapist, educator, and researcher; speaks four languages; and has earned advanced degrees in Physical Education and Physiotherapy. Her doctoral study at the Osteopathic School of Madrid is directly related to regulating the menstrual cycle.

In addition to other advanced certifications, Samara has a certification from Healing Hands Holistic Massage School, which aligns with the holistic health approach taken by Red Moon Recovery.

Shelia Burrell

chief operations officer

An esteemed two-time Olympian and highly accomplished NCAA Division 1 Coach, Shelia combines 22 years of coaching experience with a successful competitive track and field career. Shelia's leadership and strategic planning have led to numerous accolades and advancements in programs she's worked with. She's collaborated on various injury prevention strategies for female athletes, enriching her knowledge of athletic recovery.

Her work as a coach education clinician, keynote speaker, Director of Track and Field at San Diego State University, Past President of the Women's Running Coaches Collective (an organization that actively amplifies the power of women in coaching), her strong academic background and international reach have all helped shape Red Moon Recovery to light a global beacon for women’s wellness.

Ken Callaway

chief technology officer

Ken has more than 31 years of principal experience in technology and business economics. His industry endeavors include environmental, statistics, logistics, energy, and medical. He has been behind developments that improved fellowship programs offered to Olympians and originating platforms for Menopause educational campaigns.

Ken’s words on the Red Moon Recovery App: “I designed the Menstrual Cycle Mapping app to take in as little or as much data as you want to give. You can enjoy it the way YOU are! You will get out of the app as much as you put into it.  It's your body, your time, your goals. Just like your menstrual cycle, the app provides an individual experience. It's a relationship that evolves.”

Our History

Red Moon Recovery℠ is a wellness research and software development company based in San Diego, California founded by Samara Abdul-Ghani Gregorio, Shelia Burrell, and Ken Callaway.

Red Moon Recovery℠ operations began in 2019 researching the relationship between the menstrual cycle and stimulation of the vagal nerves.

A breakthrough was captured in the play between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems after working with female Olympic and university-level athletes.

How We Developed Menstrual Cycle Mapping℠

High-performance programs were developed with successful results evaluating protocols and therapies, working with individual elite athletes, and speaking at clinics. These programs incorporated actionable therapies, physical and mental training, and workshops fitted for the specific menstrual phases of each athlete. 

Ultimately, a Menstrual Cycle Mapping℠ was developed by-hand for each athlete with prepared nourishment plans, tactical steps for injury prevention, and mindfulness techniques.

Why We Saw A Need To Create the App
Menstrual Cycle Mapping℠

Because period tracking apps lacked accuracy, ease of use, and were found to sell or barter client data, the next plan was to design and develop a better tracking app. One idea led to another and in 2023, Red Moon Recovery℠ shifted focus to technology, developing the Menstrual Cycle Mapping℠ app.

It’s not only designed to reach professional, elite, and university female athletes, but also female fitness enthusiasts, active women, and those women with an interest in having a tool capable of tracking their natural cycle more easily, more reliably, and with more trustworthiness than other period tracking apps.

Future versions of the app are in the planning stages to support late ages (Perimenopause & Menopause), multiple languages, cultural sensitivity, and early ages (adolescent); aiming to reach a wider audience where the mission is to transform women’s health to be better understood, empowered, and embraced!

Our Mission

One primary interest at Red Moon Recovery℠ is to move the perception of menstruation and female biology away from its current stigma. We want to bring female biology empowerment, shifting to that of embracement, respect, and wellness. We have observed that relationships can improve when phases of the cycle are understood better. We want to foster that improvement with a broader audience reach using the subscription platform of the Menstrual Cycle Mapping℠ app.

We would also like to lead a shift in supporting Women’s health as a wellness focus. Having observed political and social opinions on female health and reproductive matters as a challenge against sensible, caring human health, we want our effort in bringing empowerment to female biology to stand tall in shaping a better balance in women’s wellness.

About The App Menstrual Cycle Mapping℠

Red Moon Recovery’s Menstrual Cycle Mapping℠ hosts the concept of performing menstrual cycle tracking with organized menstrual & life journaling,

As advocates of not suppressing female biology, but instead embracing it and using the stages of the cycle to an advantage, the Red Moon Recovery founders wanted to offer something that reaches an audience larger than the scope of an in-person service.

The mapping provides more than just simple period tracking. By providing activity topics, and offering subscribers a better tool to know their bodies, emotions, and surrounding relationships, the app illustrates how mapping is not tracking. Mapping delivers predictive, actionable strategies and tactics related to the individual phases of the menstrual cycle.

Menstrual Cycle Mapping℠ is forged on the idea that it should be easy to use, have less intrusive personal data collection, and be more accurate than typical period-tracking mobile apps.

About Female
Wellness And Tech.

Our platform addresses a need in the space of female wellness. One undeniable difference between male and female biology is the hormonal reproductive cycle of menstruation. By considering the uniqueness of cycle variations, an approach can be made toward injury prevention, comprehensive recovery, anxiety control, and relationship nurturing, just to name a few. When we apply athletic activity plans that were garnered from male athletic performance studies, it doesn’t serve as well to women who prefer to be active on a natural menstrual cycle. The biology is just going to be different and the implementations are not going to be as centered or balanced.

Moreover, when we consider normal, daily activity between men and women, not just athletic performance, the phases of a natural reproductive female biology affect aspects of mood, skin, social well-being, communication, and even intimate relationships! Combine these truths with the stigma we sculpted around a woman’s period, it’s no wonder female wellness and performance are subject to “less-than” attitudes. Red Moon Recovery℠ is striving to move this perception away from “less than”.

Lastly, we’re fostering a better understanding of female wellness, in all its forms; physical, emotional, and social. Using technology to reach a broader audience, we believe the attitude toward female biology will transform. We believe this better serves relationships and in doing so, opens up all interpersonal activity so the partner, the coach, the trainer, the physician, and most importantly - the self - will be tacticians to improve the human social quality. Maybe equality shouldn’t be the focus. Perhaps, we could serve ourselves better by driving the social quality into balance, not the genders. Let’s apply a different set of implementations, not standardizations. Let’s empower the biology, not suppress it! Let’s embrace the difference, not ignore it! Let’s Respect The Cycle℠!

Our Values